RIDE and RIDOH Provide Guidance for Contact Tracing

Dear LEA Leaders,


Based on what we have learned and your feedback, RIDOH and RIDE has updated our approach to case investigation and contact tracing for K-12 associated cases. Attached you will find a letter from Director Alexander-Scott and Commissioner Infante-Green outlining the process that is now in effect. The three main changes are: 

  1. Proactive information gathering by school leadership about physical distancing
  2. A School Contact Tracing Checklist (attached) and associated Excel sheet (attached) for school contact identification for each case of COVID-19 in a school. The Checklist will be used to identify school-related close contacts of a case and affirm the school's adherence to COVID-19 prevention and mitigation strategies. This is the same checklist used by case investigators for decision making purposes.
  3. Modification of communication between RIDOH and school leaders to include increased use of email and information. 

We look forward to working with you on this process. We will also look to provide an overview session for school leaders (principals) in the near future. 


Attached you will find the excel sheet to be used for close contacts identified by the school. 


To be completed by school

  1. First column updating the following information
    1. Index Case Name 
    2. School Name
    3. Person Completed By
    4. Completed Date
  2. First Name = first name of student or staff
  3. Last Name = last name of student or staff
  4. Birthdate =  person's DOB
  5. Phone = 
    1. If student, provide the guardian's primary contact info
    2. If staff, provide their primary contact info
  6. Email = 
    1. If student, provide the guardian's primary email
    2. If staff, provide their primary email
  7. Date of Exposure = the last day that the particular student or staff was exposed to the direct contact 
  8. School Affiliation = identifying whether the contact is a student or a staff member
  9. Staff Role at School = 
    1. If staff, use the pick list values in the column to best describe the role of the staff member within the school